America is aging. The population of people over the age of 65 is increasing. Currently, it's the fastest growing group in America. People within this population have often worked hard and worked all of their lives, so this venerable demographic also contains the most household wealth.
Unfortunately, as they say, money cannot buy happiness. Many elderly adults are isolated and lonely, tend to be too trusting, and are often dependent on others just to get through their daily living activities. All of this, the wealth, the trust and the dependency-- these elements make our elderly into ripe targets for financial predators.
Also unfortunately, financial elder abuse is on the rise. As many as one in twenty elderly Americans has been targeted by these predators, and research indicates that more than 80% of these attacks go unreported. Translated into simple English, that means that all, or almost all Americans over the age of 65 have experienced financial elder abuse, or have been targeted by abusers in their old age. That, to put it simply, is absolutely terrifying.
If you suspect (or know) that you are a victim of any kind of elder abuse, financial or otherwise, you should report it immediately. If you are a caretaker for an elderly person who is being financially abused, then you are that individual's first line of defense. There is no shame in being a victim, or in reporting predators who seek to prey on those more vulnerable than themselves, even if the perpetrator is someone you consider to be a friend or relative. Victimizers will continue to prey on others until they are stopped. No one who truly cares about your well being would take advantage of you, and you owe it to yourself and those who love you to reach out and get help if you are being abused.
Ready to get protected? Rayo Law Offices Can Help:
Call (925) 825-1955 or contact Zachary Rayo online to set up an appointment for an initial “meet and greet” consultation.