We live in an age of individual industry. It’s brilliant, how easily a motivated individual can do just about anything they put their mind to, whether it’s baking a fancy cake, fixing a car or writing a book. What most people don’t seem to realize is that the difference between these things and taking a DIY approach to your legal needs is akin to the difference between baking a cake and performing neurosurgery on yourself. The law really is that complex.
If you’re not the kind of person who flies so freely as to be willing to try your hand at neurosurgery with yourself as a patient, you might want to consider working with a professional. When people develop fatal diseases, they go to specialists, and an estate planning attorney is a highly trained and experienced practicioner within their unique field. Certainly you have options (including do-it-yourself services and online legal advice lines) but these still involve a lot of guesswork, without the comfort and assurance that comes with having an experienced estate planning attorney at your side to guide you through every nuance and pitfall within the law that you might stumble into while trying to construct the perfect estate plan yourself.
A 2016 Gallup survey found that more than half (56%) of Americans have no will or trust documents. These are critical pillars of any estate plan. These statistics mean that more than half of our citizens are unprotected and in danger of their assets being probated when they pass on. Don’t be one of the unprotected majority. Let us help you find the peace and comfort that comes with a comprehensive estate plan. Only an attorney can give you the best level of care and attention to detail when it comes to preparing a well-suited estate plan for you and those that you love.
Ready to take action and get protected? Rayo Law Offices Can Help:
Call (925) 825-1955 or contact Rayo Law Offices online to set up an appointment for an initial “meet and greet” consultation.