While it isn’t necessarily a bad idea to have multiple copies of the most recent version of your will entrusted with those closest to you, multiple, conflicting versions of your will can cause problems when the time comes to address the matters of your estate. Think about it. Your will is the key to your legacy – it is your voice, your last word when there is no more breath in you to speak with. Confusion about which version of your will truly reflects your final wishes can lead to hardship and cause divisive rifts between family members that may take a lifetime to heal. Don’t risk it. Don’t let your family be torn apart over gifts that are meant to enrich their lives, not destroy them. Follow these simple steps to help protect the ones you love when they might need it most.
Destroy And Revoke Past Versions:
Easy enough, right? Most people create and execute multiple wills throughout their lifetime. When creating a new will, it is important to state specifically that your new will revokes all past wills, and to personally assure that all copies of past versions of your will are destroyed. Your newest version should always be properly executed, as improperly executed wills can be overruled by older versions if those older versions have been properly executed.
Just Part Of The Process:
Having a properly constructed, fully legal and fully executed will is important, but a full and comprehensive Estate Plan (including your will) is an excellent way to ensure that your legacy brings some solace to your loved ones in the wake of your passing. Do you have specific instructions for your health care should you become incapacitated by age or accident? Do you have a living trust to protect your assets from going through a court-mandated probate process? These documents (and more) are critical components you must have in your Estate Plan.
Sound Daunting?
Don’t worry – we at Rayo Law Offices are here to help. We’re ready to guide you through every step of your Estate Planning process. We’ll take the legal headaches out of the process and make the journey as easy as it should be.
Contact Rayo Law Offices:
Call (925) 825-1955 or contact Rayo Law Offices online to set up an appointment.